
Welcome to My New Film Blog

Hi, I am a Film Guy and made this to talk about the movies I really love.

Zodiac-The new master of suspense goes further.

David Fincher is on of the best directors working today and in my opinion of all time. If I was going to call anyone the new Hitchcock it would be him. What Hitchcock had in the late 50’s and early 60s is what Fincher has today. Amy Dunne from Gone Girl which is in my…

First Reformed and the Quest for the new Taxi Driver.

First Reformed is one of the greatest modern works of cinema, And not just because of how great it is but what it represents. It answers the question for the new Taxi Driver. When thinking what would the new Taxi Driver be, The obvious answer is something like You Were Never Really Here, And don’t…

Dunkirk vs 1917

So first, I want to clarify. I like 1917. It is a good movie,The one shot aspect is really impressive and George McKay’s performance is nothing less than fantastic. But, While I think 1917 is a good movie, Dunkirk is a masterpiece. And Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece. While I do admire that 1917 made you see…

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